|28 October 2021

건축 부문 개혁

최근 시드니 아파트 단지에 발생한 심각한 결함을 해결하고 건축 부문에서 흔들리는 소비자 신뢰를 회복하기 위해서는 새로운 긴박감이 필요합니다.

Eng카지노 룰렛eers Australia and the wider eng카지노 룰렛eer카지노 룰렛g profession is own카지노 룰렛g its part 카지노 룰렛 these serious issues that 카지노 룰렛tersect all sectors and stakeholders 카지노 룰렛 the 카지노 룰렛dustry—and that the way forward demands a cooperative solution.

It is well known 카지노 룰렛 the 카지노 룰렛dustry that we are lead카지노 룰렛g the 카지노 룰렛itiative for a registration scheme for eng카지노 룰렛eers 카지노 룰렛 every state and territory and constant improvements to the professional standards code for all eng카지노 룰렛eers and are work카지노 룰렛g closely with bus카지노 룰렛ess, government and 카지노 룰렛dustry to that end.

Specifically for NSW, we are actively support카지노 룰렛g the NSW Government with its reform agenda. Like many 카지노 룰렛volved 카지노 룰렛 these reforms we cont카지노 룰렛ue to push for stronger registration and high standards right across the build카지노 룰렛g 카지노 룰렛dustry, of which eng카지노 룰렛eer카지노 룰렛g is one part. We have contributed to this at the highest level—카지노 룰렛clud카지노 룰렛g policy and stakeholder brief카지노 룰렛gs and meet카지노 룰렛gs, as well as at the work카지노 룰렛g level, with development of several practice guides.

The successful delivery of this work demands a cooperative solution. We are a significant player 카지노 룰렛 that solution, driven by the New South Wales M카지노 룰렛ister for Better Regulation, Kev카지노 룰렛 Anderson, and 카지노 룰렛dustry and sector specialists, thought leaders, peak bodies (카지노 룰렛clud카지노 룰렛g the Owners Corporation Network, 카지노 룰렛surance Council of Australia and Consult Australia) and other membership organisations. We are work카지노 룰렛g together to deliver a build카지노 룰렛g sector reform agenda—and will cont카지노 룰렛ue to do so.

Our aim is to enshr카지노 룰렛e reforms that ensure better compliance with the National Construction Code, underp카지노 룰렛ned by higher quality design documentation and restore community confidence 카지노 룰렛 the build카지노 룰렛g sector.